General risks: injection therapy may result in permanent damage of nervous tissue and nerves, as
well as inflammatory reactions and infections that may result in irreversible scarring.
Expected side effects: swelling and hyperthermia of injected area, hematoma, pressure sensitivity,
moderate pain and itching within the treated area.
Possible side effects: redness of the skin that may become permanent, lumps within the tissue,
denting of the treated area due to irregular reduction of fat cells, allergic reactions and
I have been informed about alternative therapies such as dietary measures, increased physical
exercise or operative correction (e.g. liposuction). I am not considering any of those options at
the time of this treatment.
Pre and post treatment instructions have been explained to me.
I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and all my questions have been answered to my
I declare that while completing the medical questionnaire, I have answered the information related
to my personal medical history questions completely and I have not withheld any information.
I must notify the clinician if my medical history changes prior to subsequent treatments.
I consent to clinical photographs being taken of my treated areas for my personal health record
There are no refunds for services rendered and/or after a year from purchase and not used.
The treatments I receive here are voluntary and I release KAI LIFE CLINIC, my
doctors, nurse and/or my technician from liability and assume full responsibility thereof for this
appointment and future appointments.
My signature below constitutes my acknowledgment and understanding of all this information.